

Content type: Engagement
Aggett, Sian 2018 Challenges for Researcher Engagement in a Small Hospital-Based Research Unit in Patan, Nepal
Arenthorst, Marlous E. et al 2015 Prospecting responsible technology paths: management options for an appropriate societal embedding of medical neuroimaging
Asha,S.George 2018 Hubris, humility and humanity: expanding evidence approaches for improving and sustaining community health programmes
Bakewell, Oliver 2008 Research Beyond the Categories: The Importance of Policy Irrelevant Research into Forced Migration
Baum, Fran et al 2006 Participatory action research
Beran, David et al 2018 Moving from formative research to co-creation of interventions: insights from a community health system project in Mozambique, Nepal and Peru
Betten, A.W et al Interactive learning and action: realizing the promise of synthetic biology for global health
CLTS 2014 Community-Led Total Sanitation
Dankel, Dorothy et al 2017 Post-normal science in practice
de Vries, J et al 2016 Deliberation to Promote Shared Sovereignty in Health Research: Four Questions to Clarify Goals, Methods, and Scope
Douglas, C.M.W 2013 Governing synthetic biology for global health through responsible research and innovation
Duncan, Sophie 2016 Culture change – embedding a culture of public engagement: Learning from the Catalysts for Engaging the Public with Research
Dunne, Anthony 2013 Speculative Everything: design, fiction and social dreaming
Eder, Milton et al 2013 A Logic Model for Community Engagement Within the Clinical and Translational Science Awards Consortium: Can We Measure What We Model?
Flora, G.B. et al 2000 Local Participation in Research & Extension for Conservation & Development of Natural Resources: A summary of approaches
Gaventa, John 2005 Reflections on the uses of the 'power cube': approach for analysing the spaces, places and dynamics of civil society participation and engagement
Giacomin, J. 2012 What is Human Centred Design?
Glandon, Douglas et al 2018 Identifying health policy and systems research priorities on multisectoral collaboration for health in low-income and middle-income countries
Hearn, S. et al 2011 Monitoring and evaluating development as a knowledge industry: ideas in current practice
IDS Participation Cluster 2019 Particpatory Methods