I have included this for two reasons.
First, it is an example of a group of people trying to develop a 'field' of work and using an on-line knowledge platform as a resource to do so. The CLTS Hub is over ten years old. It seems to concentrate on News and providing access to resources. The latter may suffer from the age of the site as the metadata about resourcves and the search function seems quite limited and there do not appear to be any options to create application programming interfaces ( APIs) which would allow other sites to pull relevant metadata and content from the hub. Although CLTS could be described as a community of practice, the platform offers little in the way of interactivity. The hub is currently the subject of an evaluation, which should be published this year.
Second CLTS is an approach which depends completely on the active engagement of the communities with which it works. Thus, although it is done for the purpose of changing behaviour rather than aiding research, the programme has a lot of experience, documented on this site, of grass roots community engagement in the Global South