Apologies if this is coals to Newcastle, but this seems so relevant to the questions under consideration and, I would suggest, is significant for illustrating a consistency of findings of recent Wellcome considerations of 'Engagement' in its international programme from a variety of sources. Like Dalberg, it suggests interest in the Engagement, along with a lack of resources, guidance or expertise in its delivery and the diversity of purposes for which it may be applied.
- A short survey requesting views on public engagement with research was sent to 40 international contacts in April 2016. The survey received a 78% response rate.
- A mixture of engagement specialists and researchers across India and Africa answered the survey.
- 39% of respondents were based in India and 61% across Africa.
- There was clear interest and commitment to public engagement and 83% of respondents said that they would like to spend more time engaging with the public.
- However 55% of those surveyed said that their institution had no formal public engagement strategy or policy and 38% had no dedicated public engagement staff.
- Survey results highlighted 5 key areas that could help improve support for public engagement in their region: increased availability of funding, dedicated staff, senior management support, training and organisational structures.
- 5 respondents were interviewed over the phone and further emphasised a lack of training and a lack of time and organisational support to engage with the public.
- Interestingly African respondents highlighted gaps in training and time as the main challenges to engaging with the public whereas Indian respondents and interviewees raised key issues of a lack of awareness and interest in public engagement indicating a regional difference in the support needed.
- African respondents also focused on changing policy and engaging with research communities while Indian respondents aimed engagement at school children.
- Solutions and recommendations for Wellcome include supporting public engagement specialists at programmes and institutions, offering an online toolkit for public engagement for researchers and cross-regional, cross-discipline training sessions and collaboration opportunities.
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Wellcome Trust