(Mike, Pete)
- Distortion of knowledge
- Language and the web (traducture etc.)
- Comparative localisation of technology and information: Is FB universal? / impact of wifi in Bangkok (all ) / MxIT / fightback to US domination / context of visualisation.
- Who?
- IKM2 local and particular knowledges and content (LPKC)
- Digital information artifacts and LPKC: FarmAfripedia and other uses of open media / non ICT media- dance music, objects.
- Sense making: sensitisation and enabling the development of empathy between dev actors / evaluation for dev programmes / autonomous social movements / local knowledge processes.
- Who? Large African network of those we have connected in IKM3 and before
- How? IKM practice: create a space to reflect on practice (aggregation, network) / meetings f2f and e-meetings, webinars / Research, experimentation and products / exhibitions physical and online / integrated communications using social media.